What can I expect after my COVID-19 house call?

COVID-19 House Call Follow Up

Before the visit, I will call for a preliminary screening to go over your symptoms. At the visit, I will check your temperature, breathing, oxygenation, pulse oximeter, your speaking.

For early detection in upper respiratory part of the disease, I do PCR. The lab tests for the virus in your secretions will indicate that you are contagious and need to be isolated for at least 7 days.

I will need you monitor your symptoms and check in and report your symptoms every day with either myself or my assistant. Sometimes, I will be able to prescribe some medications and vitamins that I will need you to take.

The second part of the illness is when COVID-19 goes down into the lungs and requires you to monitor exceptionally well. If your pulse oximeter reading goes down, we need to monitor the deterioration of the lungs and may need to go to the emergency room.

If you have shortness of breathe, cannot talk and breathe at the same time, cannot breathe without coughing, please call me or go to the ER. If your symptoms fit COVID, know it is possible to still have the PCR come back negative and it is recommended by the WHO that testing is taken more than once.

Newport Concierge Medical

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